Sunday, May 27, 2012

Modern Indian Music

Modern Indian Music is something very interesting to note and listen to. Modern Indian Music, needless to say has been influenced by a number of factors. The influence of the past lingers on with an attempt to leap into a more melodious tomorrow. As per many researches and observation it has been noted that the changes in the existing scenario in music and the incoming of a new kind of music started sometime in the 1970s. Modern Indian Music has seen evolution of a number of genres, some among them are remixes, bollywood music, fusion, indi-pop etc.

Modern Indian Music, if observed precisely will reflect the influence of western music styles rather the traditional eastern classical style. The modern music is also much of culmination of both the east and the west, sometimes imbibing the best of both the musical classes. Modern Indian Music has been often condemned of not following the raag and the pattern of the eastern traditional music and the modern music is more instrumental based than vocal. To note the above points, it should be marked that the Hindi film music or the bollywood music most often set the trends for the general music in India.
Indian Modern Music is also the result of the shedding cultural and custom barriers in terms of sharing the finer aspects of life present in music, culture and literature of various countries. The western influence with the coming up of discos and much of the modern lifestyle that has been inherited by the people for the job scenario and practice of mixed culture has played a vital role in the coming up of the Modern Indian Music.
Modern Indian Music with all its prominence and presence surely gives a sense of joy, excitement and enjoyment. But at the same time care should be taken of the fact that the culmination of the west and the east should not uproot the rich treasure of the eastern traditional classical music. The eastern classical music in its purity definitely deserves an equal or a larger share of interest but with the choice of the present generation leaning towards a bit more jazzy and flashy kind of a music, which is truly found in the composition of Modern Indian Music.

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