Monday, May 28, 2012

Indian Family Value System

Values can be defined as certain attitudes and beliefs that a person follows in his conduct. Those standards as per which an individual judges his own actions, whether he is right or wrong can be called as values. Value system comprises of all those beliefs and viewpoints that the parents pass on their next generation, they further pass it on to their offspring and so, the legacy goes on and on. Now let us come to the 'Indian Family Value System' - what is it and how does it influence individuals. In the Indian culture, there are certain rules and regulations that each and every child is taught right from his childhood.

Examples of Indian family values are - a young person should always touch the feet of his elders; he should never speak in a high or rude tone to those who are older to him; he should always give respect to elders and refer to them as 'aap'; he should not consume alcohol and tobacco or smoke cigarettes; he should respect women; he should always speak truth and try to engage in non-violent behavior; and so on. Most of the values that the parents impart to their children in India, as a part of the family value system, are similar in nature. 

However, there may be some variations too, depending upon different families. For instance, in some houses, girls are not allowed top wear skirts after they reach certain age, while in others, they can wear anything, as long as it is decent and not body-revealing. Even these variations are quite trivial, as the basic essence behind them remains, more or les, the same. Most of the values that the Indian parents believe in imparting to their children do not appeal to the outside world. But then, it is these beliefs that make India the wonderful country that it is today.

Some other values that are part of India's cultural heritage are:
Living peacefully and respecting each other's rights.
Never ever compromising on integrity for the purpose of prosperity.
Maintain strong bonds with the family members as well as relatives.
Being hospitable to everyone who comes to your home, irrespective of his caste, creed, financial position or status.
Treating guest as God i.e. 'Atithi Devo Bhava'.
Remembering and bowing to God first thing in the morning.
Indulging in yoga and meditation.
Always taking the advice of elders in case of any important decision.

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